Sunday, May 13, 2007

For those that don't know

My narrator for my story is Jasey. She's supposed to be the stand up for the little guy kind of girl. She has 3 super good friends. There's going to be a lot of conflict in my story. The entry below this is just the prologue. If it's not that interesting then tell me 'cause that's pretty much all I have written in my story. For a long time I've been daydreaming about my stories. The stories aren't even completed in my head 'cause that'd be sad for me to have to end them. I guess I'd just make a ton of sequels.

1 comment:

Sk8erGirl said...

i guess i am the first to post anything on any of your blogs. i guess maybe you should post more and then ask ppl to be your friend. i have a blog maybe you should check it out bc i think your blogs are really cool.
