Saturday, September 22, 2007

New Layouts!!!

I've got a new layout! How do you like it? Give me your feedback. At first I had a heart background and then 5 minutes later I decided I hated it. So, this is it! I've got one on

They're different for each. I like them a lot! I recently reopened my dream blog. I have weird dreams and recently I've had a lot of weird dreams. So, I have something to write about now.


Just another face in the crowd said...

Wow it looks awesome!! Can you tell me how you did that? Because my Html isn't letting me put a background like that...

If you can, comment me back on my "Just another way to express myself blog"

Thank you!

Jaz said...

i luv this backgournd
i'm gonna steal it muwhahahah jjk!
